
Rico (formerly called Ricochet) is a Super Rare Brawler with low health and moderately high damage output. His attack and Super have unique bullets that can bounce off of walls and keep traveling. When properly utilized, this ability can allow Rico to knock out enemy Brawlers without coming under fire himself. His Gadget, Multiball Launcher, rapidly blasts waves of bouncy bullets around himself in all directions. His first Star Power, Super Bouncy, causes his bullets to move faster and do 100 extra damage after bouncing. His second Star Power, Robo Retreat, allows him to move faster when his health falls below 40%.

Attack: Bouncy Bullets

"Rico's bullets bounce off walls, gaining range. They can hit enemies behind cover."

Rico's main attack is a burst of five bullets with a low spread that can bounce off of walls. This is really useful in situations when an enemy is around a corner because Rico will be able to hit them while they cannot easily retaliate. With each bounce, the bullets gain 1.67 tiles of additional range.

Super: Trick Shot

"Rico fires a long burst of bullets that pierce through enemies and bounce off walls, gaining range."

When his Super is used it fires a larger, longer-range burst of bouncing bullets which can keep traveling after hitting an enemy and can bounce off walls. This is very useful in situations when the enemies are all grouped together, allowing you to hit multiple targets. This attack is very similar to Rico's main attack and can be used to hit enemies around corners as well.

Gadget: Multiball Launcher

"Rico blasts waves of bouncy bullets in all directions."

Rico fires two waves of bullets in 8 directions around himself that each deal 320 damage. These bullets act identical to his Super's, but last for a shorter period.

Star Powers

Super Bouncy

"Rico's bullets, from attack and Super alike, get supercharged by their first bounce and deal +100 damage!"

If Rico's bullets (from either main attack or Super) bounce off a wall, they glow, travel faster, and deal 100 bonus damage. The bonus damage must be added once, or else enemies will take normal damage. Rico's Gadget Multiball Launcher is not affected by this Star Power.

Robo Retreat

"When Rico falls below 40% health, he runs 34% faster!"

When Rico's health falls below 40%, he gains a 34% movement speed boost, allowing him to move much faster and escaping enemies easily. The effect goes away when his health restores above 40%.


  • Rico has fairly low health, so you must utilize the bouncing ability and range of his attack to damage enemies while staying out of enemy fire.

  • Rico's Super has a much longer range than his regular attack, so it is useful for defeating enemy Brawlers that are escaping or making a shot that requires multiple bounces.

  • When shooting off a wall at an enemy moving away, move towards the place you are shooting to increase the range of your bullets so that you may hit more shots. If you cannot see them in bushes, move side-to-side while shooting off the wall to cover the most area with your bullets.

  • Because of the fact that Rico can bounce his shots off walls giving his total range 1.3 tiles more for every bounce, he is extremely good on maps with a lot of walls, like Cavern Churn.

  • When Rico's Super attack is fully charged try to use it on enemies who are more or less surrounded by walls so you can get the maximum damage out of it. This is especially preferable in Heist in order to do the most damage to the safe.

  • When being chased by a short-range opponent, Rico can easily "snipe" them while running away, especially when utilizing the Robo Retreat Star Power. This strategy can be used on short range brawlers such as El Primo and Bull.

  • Though extremely difficult to do, Rico can charge up back-to-back Supers if every bullet from his Super successfully hits an enemy Brawler. This is easier if several enemies are hit during a single Super.

  • Since Rico's Super passes through enemies, you can use the Super in Heist when the enemies are lined up to hit both them and the safe.

  • Rico's Super Bouncy gives his bouncy bullets an additional 100+ damage upon bouncing. While this doesn't do much on a single bullet, if all 5 bounced bullets hit a single target, they can deal more damage than a Colt. This also encourages Rico to ricochet shots off walls for them to do more damage. It also gives a large damage boost to his Super if bounced off a wall first, and is particularly useful on certain maps.

  • Robo Retreat allows you to go into fights then escape when you are on low health. Doing this will allow more of your bullets to hit brawlers due to the increased accuracy. If you are a good sniper, we suggest you back away from fights and attack from a distance. For more experienced player/good dodgers, you can keep firing to prevent Rico from healing and stay below 40% health to abuse the ridiculous speed buff to dodge attacks and outrun even Mortis and Crow. This is also incredibly useful in Boss Fight and Super City Rampage when waiting for teammates to respawn and outrunning the Boss Robot and its attacks.

  • Just like Shelly, Rico can chain his Super if enemy brawlers are lined up or if you hit more than one target. If you want more damage to be done, attack first then hit your Super.

  • In Heist, standing right in the middle of the enemy team's safe before activating his Gadget will allow him to deal massive amounts of damage since all 8 of the bullets hit. The bullets can then bounce back and damage the safe even further.