
Darryl is a Super Rare Brawler who wields two double barrel shotguns that can deal heavy burst damage at close range. His Super allows him to quickly escape enemies or get closer to them as well as damage any enemies that he rolls into. It also recharges automatically over time. His first Gadget, Recoiling Rotator, makes Darryl spin and shoot a barrage of pellets that charge 25% of his Super. His second Gadget, Tar Barrel, emits a wave around him that slows enemies. His first Star Power, Steel Hoops, gives him a shield when he uses his Super that reduces the damage he takes by 90% for 0.9 seconds. His second Star Power, Rolling Reload, doubles his reload speed after he uses his Super for 5 seconds.

Attack: Double Deuce

"Darryl's double barrel shotguns fire two staggered blasts of heavy close-range damage."

Darryl fires two bursts of shells, one from each gun in quick succession, dealing medium damage. The attack has less range than Shelly's attack but more range than Bull's. This attack deals more damage at shorter ranges.

Super: Barrel Roll

"Darryl rolls forward inside his barrel, knocking back enemies and bouncing off walls. His Super recharges over time!"

Darryl rolls a short distance at a very rapid speed, bouncing off walls; however, unlike Rico's attack and Super, the distance isn't increased after bouncing off a wall and damaging and pushing back enemies he hits. Darryl's Super is unique in that it automatically recharges over 30 seconds.


Recoiling Rotator

"Darryl spins around and sprays a barrage of shots in all directions. Each shot deals 400 damage and recharges his Super by 25% if it hits enemies!"

Darryl spins in a circle, unloading 15 quick single-shelled shots around himself. Each shell deals 400 damage and travel for 8.33 tiles. Each pellet that hit an enemy charges 25% of his Super. He can move while using his Gadget.

Tar Barrel

"Darryl creates a slowing area around himself for 4.0 seconds."

Darryl emits a slowing tar wave from all directions. Its 3 tile radius is quite small, but it moves around with Darryl. Tar Barrel lasts for four seconds and can be used while using Darryl's Super.

Star Powers

Steel Hoops

"Darryl's Super reinforces his barrel, reducing all damage he takes by 90% for 0.9 seconds."

The damage reduction granted by his Star Power makes it less likely that Darryl will be defeated while he is rolling around during his Barrel Roll ability, it protects him for 0.9 seconds when he is rolling. The shield only lasts until Darryl stops rolling. This makes his Super even better for safely escaping dangerous situations and less risky when the Super is being used to roll into and damage enemy Brawlers.

Rolling Reload

"When Darryl uses his Super, he doubles his reload speed for 5.0 seconds."

Instead of Darryl having a shield after using his Super, every time after he rolls, he doubles his reload speed for 5 seconds.


  • His movement speed is slightly faster than that of most other Brawlers since he is a Heavyweight. Due to this retreating/approaching is easier and often safer.

  • The damage reduction granted by Steel Hoops allows Darryl to safely roll onto attacking sharpshooters, as the massive damage reduction renders defensive shots against him useless during his Super. Steel Hoops also notably makes him much better against Tick, allowing him to roll through patches of mines unharmed in a dire situation, and easily defuse Tick's Super.

  • His Super is great for quickly escaping enemies or getting closer to enemies. He rolls extremely quickly. It is also worth noting that you can increase the range of his roll if you happen to go over water. This could be vital when escaping Brawlers, as the water could help in getting away from tough situations (in maps like Thousand Lakes or Canal Grande, etc.).

  • In Brawl Ball, he can be quite useful by passing the ball forward and using his Super to get to the ball fast. His Super is also useful for grabbing the ball from the center after either team scores, although it does put him in the middle of the fight and will likely result in him being knocked out.

  • Using his Super on an opponent in Brawl Ball who is carrying the ball will knock the ball from their possession. This is great to use to delay an opponent who is about to throw the ball into the goal.

  • An effective way to use Darryl is to charge his Super, use it to get as close as he can to an enemy, and quickfire with all of his ammo. This deals a decent amount of damage and can even result in a defeat, charging his Super fully again to roll back if done correctly.

  • If timed properly while rolling on to an opponent, Darryl's Super can stop the opponent's Super completely from activating, kind of like how Frank's Super can be stopped with Shelly's Super. This becomes useful when attacking other Brawlers with Darryl who have their Supers ready (like Shelly).

  • Darryl's Super can hit multiple times when fighting in confined areas (which is optimal for Darryl as a heavyweight). Aim his Super to ricochet off walls and rack up damage on your opponents.

  • When confronting Brawlers in point-blank range, be mindful of your positioning and don't go through Brawlers as the second shot of Darryl's attack can completely miss.

  • At extremely close range, Darryl has one of the highest damage for a normal attack out of any Brawler in the game, doing 3360 damage for the shots combined (1680 each) at max level. While Darryl shouldn't rely on this unless bush camping, he handles short-ranged heavyweight Brawlers such as Bull fairly well.

  • Darryl's main attack does a lot of damage but not consistently. When targeting someone with his Super make sure he actually rolls onto them and hits them. If he is too close, he might roll over them. If he is too far, he may hit them but not be within bursting range. Tar Barrel gives him just the distance he needs in case a Super misses by a few tiles.

  • Rolling Reload is useful for covering up mistakes; if you fail to directly land a Super on another brawler, the faster reload speed will allow you to chip them down even with the lesser damage. This won't be very helpful to higher skill players, however, as most experienced players can consistently land their Super and deal maximum damage.

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