
Penny is a Super Rare Brawler with medium health and a long-range attack that deals splash damage in a cone when it hits a target. Her Super plants a mortar with medium health that lobs cannonballs that can deal high damage. Her first Gadget, Pocket Detonator, blows her cannon up, dealing damage to enemies caught in the explosion. Her second Gadget, Captain's Compass, calls a cannonball strike on her location. Her first Star Power, Last Blast, allows her cannon to shoot out 4 cannonballs which target towards items/brawlers within a huge range upon being destroyed or redeployed, dealing 1680 damage to enemies that are hit. Her second Star Power, Balls of Fire, allows her cannonballs to set the ground on fire for 3 seconds, dealing 400 damage per second to enemies in the burning area.

Attack: Plunderbuss

"Shoots out a pouch of fool's gold. If the pouch hits an enemy, it bursts and coins pepper targets behind the first enemy."

Penny's main attack shoots a medium-sized pouch of gold out of her blunderbuss. If it hits, it will additionally spray three clumps of golden coins behind the target in a cone shaped area that travel for 4 tiles, piercing opponents and dealing the same damage of that of the pouch for each clump of gold. It can deal massive amounts of damage against enemies that are very close to each other.

Super: Old Lobber

"Penny sets up her cannon! It can shoot at enemies at a long range, even if they are behind cover."

When her Super is used, Penny drops a cannon with high damage and health. This turret can be thrown anywhere within a short distance from Penny. The turret is stationary and fires cannonballs that deal area damage to Brawlers even if they're behind walls. However, it has a rather slow firing rate, and the cannonballs also have a relatively slow travel speed and are easy to dodge.


Pocket Detonator

"Penny blows her cannon! The explosion destroys walls and deals 1500 damage to nearby enemies."

Upon activation, her cannon blows up, damaging and pushing back enemies near it in a 2 tile radius. This also destroys walls and bushes. The Gadget can only be used if there is an active cannon within 12 tiles of her current location. This Gadget can trigger her Last Blast Star Power.

Captain's Compass

"Penny calls an artillery strike from her Cannon to her current location."

Upon activation, Penny's cannon shoots out a barrage of 5 cannonballs to her location. The strike is X-shaped with the center cannonball striking last. The Gadget can only be used if there is an active cannon within 14 tiles of where she is standing. This Gadget will stop early if Penny is defeated before the last cannonball is shot, and it can trigger her Balls of Fire Star Power.

Star Powers

Last Blast

"When Penny's Cannon is destroyed, it shoots out one last barrage of 4 bombs targeting nearby enemies, each dealing 1680 damage."

When the cannon is destroyed or replaced by another cannon, it will fire 4 cannonballs, each dealing 1680 damage to the closest enemy that destroys the cannon and also enemies in range. This Star Power can be triggered by her Pocket Detonator Gadget.

Balls of Fire

"Cannonballs from Penny's turret set the ground on fire for 3 seconds. Enemies in the burning area take 400 damage per second!"

When Penny's cannonballs hit an enemy, it will create a burning effect for 3 seconds that acts just like Barley's, but is two seconds longer. If the enemy is in the burning area, they'll take 400 damage per second for a total of 1200 damage. The burning damage can stack. This Star Power can be triggered by her Captain's Compass Gadget.


  • When an opponent is positioned behind another opponent with high health, the splash effect of Penny’s main attack is able to hit both of them. This makes her very effective against any Brawler that uses their Super as a sort of shield, like Mr. P's Porters or Nita's Big Baby Bear.

  • To maximize the lifespan of the cannon turret, one of the very optimal placements for it should be behind walls on the player's side of the map. Allied heavyweights can defend the cannon while discouraging or finishing off weaker Brawlers.

  • Like Jessie, Penny's Super can act as a shield in a pinch, absorbing enemy fire for a while and allowing herself or an ally to escape from a dangerous situation. It is even more effective combined with Pocket Detonator, which deals 1500 damage and knocks the enemy back, even triggering her Last Blast star power when equipped.

  • The coins do the same amount of damage as the bag. If all three coins manage to hit the enemy, they can take double or even triple the amount of damage.

  • Penny's pouch will not burst upon impact with walls or other obstacles. Her attack will, however, burst upon impact with a Power Cube box in Showdown. Use this to your advantage in keeping enemies away from the box with the coins from when you pouch splits. This strategy works particularly well in Solo Showdown on the map Rockwall Brawl in 8 out of the 10 spawn points.

  • Penny's cannon has super long range and is able to hit the IKE turret in Siege while being out of range from the IKE's blasts if placed perfectly in the corner of all Siege maps. This strategy can work even better if there is a bush to hide the cannon, allowing the cannon to potentially deal more damage due to it being harder to notice. This strategy can be countered by enemy throwers.

  • It is also possible to throw the cannon inside the opponent IKE's range and let 4 cannonballs onto the IKE turret if Last Blast is equipped. This will deal about 20-25% damage of the IKE's health.

  • Last Blast causes her cannon to launch several cannonballs upon its destruction, dealing major splash damage. This can discourage short-ranged Brawlers from destroying her cannon. Additionally, it allows Penny to attempt a different playstyle in which she places the cannon in the middle of a fight, and if her Last Blast is equipped, even when destroyed it will bombard the enemy team, even behind cover.

  • Balls of Fire is very effective at restricting where an enemy is willing to go, often cutting off their escape route. This is valuable in game modes focused on control, such as Gem Grab and Siege. The additional damage it deals is also effective against stationary targets such as Safes and IKE turrets.

  • When facing a Penny with her turret, don't backtrack because the cannon will hit which deals more damage than that of her main attack. To avoid this, keep on moving and don't stop.

  • Penny's Last Blast and Pocket Detonator Gadget are better on modes with stationary targets such as Heist and Siege. However, the amount of control Penny can maintain with Balls of Fire and Captain's Compass makes it the overall better combination. Captain's Compass can also act as a safety net in case an enemy attempts to ambush or assassinate her.

  • Penny's Captain's Compass Gadget and Balls of Fire combination are excellent in Hot Zone, because tanks such as Frank are popular in Hot Zone, and Captain's Compass provides easy hits when both players are in the zone, and the fire allowing for more damage and control to defeat the enemy brawler.

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