
Bea is an Epic Brawler with low health but relatively high damage output. Landing her attack supercharges her next attack, allowing it to deal 175% more damage. Her reload speed is quick, but she only has 1 ammo slot. Her Super shoots 7 drones that damage enemies and slow them down. Her first Gadget, Honey Molasses, deploys a hive that creates sticky honey around itself, slowing down enemies who step inside. Her second Gadget, Rattled Hive, sends three bees that damage enemies depending on their travel distance. Her first Star Power, Insta Beaload, supercharges her main attack instantly when she misses it. Her second Star Power, Honey Coat, gives her a brief immunity shield at 1 health point when she would otherwise be defeated.

Attack: Big Sting

"Bea sends out a long range shot that, upon landing, supercharges her next shot to deal epic damage!"

Bea launches a long-range bee that deals moderate damage. If the shot hits an enemy, her next attack becomes supercharged and does 175% more damage. She does not supercharge her next attack when hitting non-players like Nita's Bear or the Heist Safe. However, the attack is supercharged by hitting the Mega Monster in Super City Rampage or robots in Robo Rumble and Boss Fight. Bea has only one ammo slot, so kicking the ball in Brawl Ball does not consume any ammo. If Bea is defeated, the supercharge effect is lost and must be regained.

Super: Iron Hive

"Bea deploys a swarm of drones that move and turn like jets. They slow down any opponents caught in their path."

Bea releases 7 drones that spread out as they travel and slow down enemies they hit for 3 seconds.


Honey Molasses

"Bea drops a beehive with a splash of sticky honey around it. The honey slows down enemies that step in it."

Upon activation, Bea creates a beehive at her position that creates a large honey puddle around itself that slows down enemies that touch it. The puddle has a radius of 3 tiles and spreads past any walls. The beehive has 1000 health and will be destroyed if Bea uses her Gadget again.

Rattled Hive

"Bea unleashes 3 angry bees that circle away from her, dealing more damage the further they go (up to 1000 damage)."

When activated, three bees will circle around Bea that spiral away from her. Each bee deals 370 damage initially and 1000 damage if they are far enough. The bees can fly through enemies and walls, and covers up to 8 tiles horizontally and vertically before despawning. However, each single bee can only hit the same enemy once and will not do any more damage to them if already damaged. This makes it possible to do 3000 damage to a single target.

Star Powers

Insta Beaload

"Instantly supercharge Bea's Big Sting one time if she misses a supercharged shot."

Bea can regain her supercharged shot if she misses it, giving her a second chance to use the supercharged shot. However, she will not get a third chance if she misses it again.

Honey Coat

"Bea escapes certain defeat with 1 health, and gains a momentary shield once per match."

Bea retains 1 health when defeated and gains an immunity shield that lasts for 1 second. This ability can only be used once per match.


  • Bea has only 1 ammo slot and low health, so she can be ambushed easily. It is advised not to stay too close to bushes that cover a large area like in Cavern Churn, because close-ranged Brawlers such as Shelly, Bull, or Darryl can inflict lots of burst damage if they have been bush-camping nearby.

  • Since Bea's Super can slow down enemies, she can use it to escape from enemies who are chasing her. She can also use it to slow down enemies who are trying to escape from her.

  • Since Bea's Super spreads out, it is great for checking bushes when you know an enemy brawler is hiding, but the area the bush covers is too large for her normal attack.

  • Note that Bea's shot will only supercharge her next shot if it hits an enemy Brawler; hitting anything else, such as Showdown crates, the Heist safe, the Siege IKE turret, the Takedown Boss, and Brawler Minions (Scrappy, Nita's bear, etc.), will not supercharge her next shot.

  • Take into consideration that while it is easy to charge Bea's Super (3 shots only), her normal shot and supercharged shot charge the same amount (1/3) to her Super.

  • Usually, most Brawlers are fast enough to be able to dodge Bea's shots. However, upon hitting a Brawler with her Super, it is possible to auto-aim them down very quickly without aiming manually, as the Brawler is slowed down and unable to move fast enough to dodge her shots.

  • It is advisable to place Bea’s Gadget behind a wall in order to make it harder for enemies to destroy the beehive, as it only has 1000 health (this will not be the case if a thrower is among the enemies, because they will be able to shoot over the wall). Alternatively, Bea can use it as a shield to tank some damage if she finds herself in a desperate situation where they need to escape quickly with their remaining health.

  • Bea's second Gadget, Rattled Hive, is very unpredictable and hard to dodge if players are dealing with other threats. Because the bees move faster and do more damage at a longer range, it is more advisable to use this Gadget offensively for massive area denial and damage potential than to use it defensively.

  • Bea's Second Gadget can be used to check bushes that are behind walls and can damage throwers hiding behind walls.